Sunday, March 23, 2025

Pumpkin on the Hot Roof of the World - trailer

here is a killer short trailer for a documentary on the late poet tomaz salamun.  there are many things to admire in this trailer, from the poem by salamun where this documentary gets its title, to the wonderfully ordinary dress of the poet who looks like he is on his way to or from the office, & on up to his explanation why he calls himself a political poet & the absolute necessity [which i 1000% agree] for poetry.  in short, this trailer is a 21st C defense of poetry as a strong force in the world. 


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

the turn

yes, t'was me i confess when i was a wee lad i thought of everything in all creation so nothing could be new under our old sun because you see the turn goes like this what is & once was still is the past is forever present when the future returns to the past yes indeed the turn goes like this when creation was new i was old when old was the new young

Monday, March 17, 2025

happy st. patrick's day!

my name is richard o'lopez of the mexican clan from the west of ireland!  i would be remiss not to mention this august day.  i have always felt a spiritual kinship with the green isle & her peoples.  perhaps i was irish in a former life!  i was almost remiss for here at casa de bronson/lopez it has been madness!  of the best kind.  we finally did a seriously long wanted home improvement project.  but that meant putting most of our belongings & furniture into storage.  the physical labor needed to move all our things into storage for the work on the house to get done, & finally back to our home when the work was completed almost killed me!  i'm slowly beginning to think i may be soon entering geezerhood.  horrors!  so i almost forgot it is st. patrick's day until i was driving downtown in the evening & noticed lots of partygoers clad in green with shamrocks on their lapels.  & so i raise my bottle to all y'all & wish you the very best st. patrick's day however you choose to celebrate/observe it.  or not.  dig it!  from one o'lopez to you!  peace & love

physical labor

at nearly 58 
the muscles nearly tear
+ the head says more

& more 
you can do it 
can't you

one more box to lift
one more mile to go
you are still 

you think
but the body tells you no

fuck off
with that noise
you don't want to 

to live forever
look out!
the breakdowns - the pile-up

look at you dude
with your white hair
beer belly & crepy skin

after 12 hours of hard 
physical work
you can barely step up to the rise

& you feel like your gonna die!

Thursday, March 06, 2025

donde esta el poeta lars palm?

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

what the old man says

always the same old digging in dirt
whether it be clay or alluvial or mud
going down for the roots it goes like this
no human has rights unless every human has rights

Sunday, March 02, 2025

ye olde gi


Thursday, February 27, 2025

gene hackman

a tour de force of comic acting by the great actor.  this flick, the birdcage [1996], is one of my very favorite comfort movies.  perfection.  like mom's meatloaf.  everyone in this picture is on their A game.  but here is gene hackman as the ultra-conservative senator keeley who nearly steals the show.  alongside, the great robin williams & the very gifted nathan lane & dianne wiest, that ain't an easy task. 

gene hackman was one of those rare actors, like robert duvall, helen mirren, michael caine, richard dreyfuss, spencer tracy, katherine hepburn, william powell, myrna loy, who elevates whatever movie they are in.  always a pleasure to behold.  
gene hackman, godspeed