Thursday, October 24, 2024

everyday is halloween!

it came from the trailer park!  suspiria [1977]
this is a well-done trailer that gives nothing away re plot but does feature a few of the classic set pieces of this great flick.  dario argento's movies might not make a lick of sense in a rational way.  but their oneiric qualities married to extreme brutality brings forth an indescribable beauty that must be experienced.  this trailer tantalizes the senses without giving away the story.  masterful.  plus, we have the score by the italian prog rock band goblin who created some of the scariest & hypnotic movie music.  dig it & dig in! 


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

everyday is halloween!

trick or treat [1952]

this 10-minute animation pits donald duck, witch hazel & donald's nephews huey, dewey & louie in a tested battle of wills.  it goes like this.  the younger ducks are trick 'r treating halloween night.  they hit up their uncle's place, whom we see inside donald's house with a massive larder filled with all kinds treats.  but instead of giving the boys their treat donald drops lit firecrackers in their treat bags, which go KABOOM, & finishes them off dropping water on their heads.

dejected & depressed the youngsters sit on a curb.  when witch hazel, flying on her broom, sees the gloom on the young ducks, sitting forlorn on the street, she stops to see what's the matter.  the boys are stoked to see a real witch.  delighted to be recognized hazel agrees to help the trio get their deserved treats from their mean old uncle.  hijinks deluxe!  donald is such a cad.  he thinks hazel is a fake witch & plays a trick on her too by dropping a pail of water on her head.  

curses!  soon she enlists the ducks to help make a potion.  the scene recalls the famous witch scene in Macbeth with an accompanying song as well.  soon hazel loads the potion into a sprayer.  she spritzes a jack o'lantern & other objects into life to torment donald.  the elder duck responds by locking his treats larder & swallowing the key.  only to his detriment because hazel then bewitches donald to physically kick down his own larder door.

boom!  the moral, don't be a greedy gus!  especially on Halloween!  you gotta share your spoils!  this short film is a treat with all the magic of animation & musical scores made manifestly by the House of the Mouse.  it is a delightful short.  & the jack o'lantern in this movie even gets the last boo!  remember halloween is when the veil between the living & the dead is at its thinnest.  be careful who you might piss off on halloween night.  she or he might be a witch, & as the great screaming jay hawkins says, he or she just might 'put a spell on you!'


Sunday, October 20, 2024

everyday is halloween!

kingdom of spiders [1977]

is located in a tiny rural ranching town called verde valley, az.  the local tarantula population are now five times more venomous & are organizing to take down larger prey, including cows, horses & people!  this is the 1970s era of exploitation moviemaking when we've totally fucked the environment & the creatures of the natural world become the apex predator & start taking out humankind.  in this case DDT is used on local crops.  the tarantulas' food supplies have been killed off by the pesticide.  so now they have evolved to become more deadly to their prey & hunt in packs.  

william shatner stars as the local vet, dr. rack hansen.  fantastic character actor woody strode is a local rancher whose livestock fall victim to the arachnids.  exploitation stalwart tiffany bolling is a specialist in arachnids sent to study the newly formed phenomenon of tarantulas killing & eating cows & horses.  this is a NATURE ATTACKS movie that was a subgenre in the 1970s.  longtime exploitation actor/director john 'bud' cardos keeps the pace taut & manages to subdue shatner's usual brand of histrionic acting.  i was surprised how well this movie kept pace & really ratcheted up the tension in the final reel.  

because i saw this movie in 1977 in a matinee movie house.  i always remembered the final haunted image of desolation & doom.  i don't remember if i sought out this movie in particular.  more likely i happened to watch this flick because i was always at the movies when i was a wee pup.   it would be a very different & much darker film if all spiders turned against us.  because spiders are everywhere.  i remember when i managed the local recycling facility at my alma mater.  i enjoyed the work which allowed lots of downtime for reading.  i was eating lunch outside my office underneath an oak tree.  it was a lovely warm, sunny spring afternoon.  i was in a lull between customers.  i was, dare i say it, at peace.  then i felt something on my right forearm.  i looked down as i raised my forearm.  there was a little garden spider.  its eight eyes in a rectangle.  its spotted black & brown legs jacked up as if the spider's body was a car in a lift in a garage waiting for the attendant to press the hydraulic button for the body to rise.  i marveled at this little creature.  fucking amazing!  that it evolved to be only itself in its own form.  then, all of a sudden, those eight eyes swiveled toward me!  it craned its neck to get a gander at me!  as i wondered at the marvel of the creature on my forearm it marveled at me!  or so i thought.  i was probably as alien to it as it was to me.  or so i thought.  who fucking knows what, if any, thoughts our fellow creatures, particularly spiders, have & if they decide to take us out!  oh sweet fucking hell!  


Saturday, October 19, 2024

everyday is halloween!

the mutilator [1984]

the 1980s was the era of the slasher flick.  a crazy psycho stalking a collection of teens &/or college students when the said young people are away from parents, authority figures, institutions to frolic & have sexy time with each other.  one by one each young person is killed in a grand guignol manner all the way to the climax where one member of the group, usually the virginal girl, squares off with the psycho & often prevails.  this girl was dubbed THE FINAL GIRL by critic/academic carol j. clover in her seminal study of slasher movies, men, women, and chainsaws: gender in the modern horror film [princeton university press; 1992].  she is the survivor with the inner resources to fight the killer & live to tell the tale.  she is often the girl who abstains from drugs, drink & sex.  why?  perhaps because the slasher genre really developed into a formula during the reagan era 1980s when nancy reagan's 'just say no' campaign was at its zenith?

i dunno.  i resisted, & still somewhat resist, the slasher genre as formulaic dogma.  clover brilliantly defines & delineates her Final Girl Theory in her work as a cultural critic.  perhaps my resistance to slashers is based on my own biases.  no one is virginally 'pure'.  i grew up in the reagan '80s & did a lot of drugs & liked sex.  nearly everyone i knew did too.  i figured i'd have a fighting chance against michael myers as any virginal young woman who abstained from getting high.  i always thought chance & luck played an outsized role in whether i survive an attack by jason voorhees, or survive my morning commute to work.  

nevertheless, i thought, let me find a '80s slasher & give it a go.  so here is the movie.  as soon as we are introduced to our characters i telescoped the whole film.  i knew The Final Girl would be pam, played by an actor unknown to me, ruth martinez.  lo!  that she is.  pam is a virginal young woman who still likes to party.  that she is pretty freaking adorable is a boon in this otherwise plodding movie.  the rest of the cast, unknown to me as well, are all game.  the acting is better than one would expect from a low budget horror flick of the early to mid 1980s.  the director, buddy cooper, does a serviceable job.  tho the first 2/3rds of this relatively trim movie, 86 minutes, plods along with some syrupy music & theme song, 'fall break' [which was the title for the movie in the print i watched], as our young couples do what young couples thru out time & space have always done.  

there is no suspense.  we know who the psycho killer is from the very first frame.  the movie starts with a prologue.  when the main character, ed, jr., played by matt mitler, was a child he cleaned all his father's hunting rifles as a birthday present for the old man, ed, sr,.  during the cleaning little ed accidently shoots his mother who was baking in the kitchen.  ed, sr. comes home from a pheasant hunt, finds his wife with her back blasted out, & immediately nearly kills his little boy.  a couple decades later his little boy is in college, dating pam [The Final Girl], & invites a few of his friends to his father's beach cottage for the weekend.  little do they know ed, sr., in a drunken psycho rage, is waiting for them at the beach house.

yet, this movie won me over.  all the characters are believable & likeable.  particularly pam, as essayed by martinez.  the last 15 minutes or so really went balls to the wall.  the fx was really good.  the kills were especially messy!  sometimes joel, you have to say what the fuck.  & i did.  i am almost a fan of the slasher genre based on my viewing of this pic.  slashers can be cathartic experiences.  when the shit gets too thick.  when the stressors of ordinary living get to heavy watch a slasher movie.  you will identify both with villain & victim.  but when the shit hits the fan, you will be on the side of The Final Girl who by her very grit gives herself a fighting chance.  

but watch out.  michael myers & jason voorhees are eternal.  they might be in your backyard right now!


Friday, October 18, 2024

everyday is halloween!

this song, by the band, low, was featured in The Mothman Prophecies [2002].  the movie stars richard gere, as a reporter researching a cryptid called The Mothman, as well as laura linney & debra messing.  the pic achieves a kind of spooky tone as gere's character gets pulled into the strange happenings in a small town & its Mothman sightings.  the source material for the film is a non-fiction book by john keel, based, allegedly, on real events in the late 1960s.  the movie is okay.  but this song is sublime.  haunting & beautiful.  low is a fantastic band.  the singer for this song, mimi parker, passed away in 2022 at the early age of 55.  low's music was minimalist at heart, but they can crank up the noise when they wanted.  i saw them perform live when they opened for slowdive when that band reformed in 2014.  low was great.  at the end of their set the timbers of The Warfield in SF were cracking from the massive sounds made onstage by low.  at any rate, this song is a little unusual for The Spooky Season but this remix by the composer duo tomandandy is killer & sounds like a haunted house. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

everyday is halloween!

at last, it feels like fall arrived!  it even rained a tiny bit this morning.  puts a spring in my step.  lots of homes in the neighborhood have decorated for the Spooky Season.  & today, the satellite radio station, Scream, on SiriusXM [we are longtime subscribers] began its annual broadcast of scary sounds, spooky songs, & terrifying stories.  below is one of those stories that some good soul put on youtube.  it's called The Scarecrow.  

tune in, turn on, drop dead!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Jim Cory [1953 - 2024]

i just learned poet jim cory recently passed away.  friend of jim's, alex gildzen, just posted this memoriam here, Arroyo Chamisa: Jim Cory (1953-2024).  i don't remember what compelled me to write to jim many years ago.  perhaps it was at the beckon of alex?  perhaps it was some poems that i read either in a journal or online by jim?  but i did reach out to jim cory & for well over a decade plus years he was generous with sending me his books, including the manuscript of the selected poems by karl tierney he was editing & later published, & his thoughts.  jim was kind in our correspondence.  he was an exciting poet who thrilled me.  he still does.  jim & i fell out of touch these last few years, but something compelled me to reread his poetry this weekend, as well as look him up online.  i am shocked by jim's passing.  

below is jim cory interviewed about his friendship with the poet james broughton.  both jim & alex are featured in the broughton documentary Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton, which you can watch in its entirety here,  

godspeed, poeta