Thursday, January 30, 2025

'your flying saucer was stolen?'


Friday, January 24, 2025

it came from the trailer park!

martial arts superstar jim kelly was a karate champion who found himself fighting beside bruce lee in the blockbuster martial arts pic enter the dragon [1973].  charismatic as hell kelly was soon the featured star of his own flicks.  such as this one.  a martial arts blaxploitation movie that screams 1970s!  man, i love the grit of this trailer.  the language, the choreography of the fighting, the costumes, kelly's exquisite afro, etc etc.  this movie features kelly in his prime.  a cool dude who can crack skulls with one karate chop!  

Monday, January 20, 2025

the rebel as poet


Sunday, January 19, 2025

'poetry will not end with the world'

the late russian poet boris ryzhy was a voice of the collapse of the soviet union.  he was raised, lived & worked in the industrial city of yekaterinburg [sverdlovsk (name of the city during the era of the soviet union)].  he trained & worked as a geologist. ryzhy's poems are the stuff of life as a young person during the time of perestroika.  his poems of gangsters, crime, love, & life in a gritty industrial russian city resonated with a great many readers of poetry.  ryzhy was awarded an anti-booker prize.  his is a poetry of romantic unease.  a poetry of collapse, as well as love.  unfortunately, few of ryzhy's poems have been translated into english.  i am no means a specialist of ryzhy's poetry.  but i am an enthusiastic reader of what i have read of boris ryzhy.  which ain't much.  & yet, ryzhy is an example of getting the news by poetry.  he was young, charismatic, tragic, etc etc.  this is a poet of, arguably, our contemporary age.  an era of disruptive change, political, socioeconomic, technological, ecological, etc etc.  the poet died by his own hand in 2001 at the age of 26.  
[the quote above is a piece of graffiti written on a bathroom wall in trieste, according to the romanian-american poet andrei codrescu]

Friday, January 17, 2025

it's friday nite & you wanna hear an earworm with the audience singing along!!!

caroline polachek is, i think, an astonishing vocalist.  but you wouldn't know it from this performance of her song 'so hot you're hurting my feelings' because the audience is singing along!  this is one of the many reasons why i love live music.  when the audience & the performer share the same space, the same energy, it is magic.  absolute music!  dig it!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

let's go to a show!


yes, i was at this show.  my second punk rock gig.  i was 15.  i found this flyer this afternoon looking up the band, rebel truth.  they were from sac.  the first time i saw them perform was onstage in the multipurpose room of my jr. high school.  the singer/guitarist [can't remember his name] had leopard-print dyed hair.  i was sold!  on his look & the band's sound.  a few months later, my friend, tim [chim-chim], introduced me to punk rock proper in the summer of 1982 changing my life in every way.  i started going to shows.  i was - am - a naive dumb-dumb but was also a quick learn.  i remember tim chatting with bob mould after husker du's set.  i didn't know who he - or the band, husker du - was until a little later when someone played for me their first LP, land speed record.  what put me in mind of the band rebel truth was an older punk working at Trader Joe's i saw this afternoon.  he reminded me a lot of the look of that singer/guitarist.  the punk at TJ's was ol' skool cool.  who brought me right back to my own hardcore days.  as thomas wolfe said, you can't go home again.  but you can, at least, visit the neighborhood!

a bard's eye view of sac


Saturday, January 11, 2025



Thursday, January 09, 2025

look upon my Works, ye Mighty, & despair!


Wednesday, January 08, 2025

absolute music

brilliant live performance by REM of one of my very favorites of their songs.  i grew up in the heady days of what was once called 'college rock'.  the world turned new, passionate, & magical when i first heard this band's single 'radio free europe' on a, quite literally, college radio station.  this song, 'fall on me', is gorgeous in every way.  structure, harmonies, that angelic bridge.  i saw them live on their GREEN Tour. would love to see them perform live once more.  as you can see with this performance this band was - is - special & utterly embodies the phrase ABSOLUTE MUSIC.