Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Anna picked me up from work tonight so we can grab a quick bite in a little Mexican restaurant at the local mall. and after dinner we walked across the mezzanine to see what's to see at Barnes & Noble. like every writer I'm addicted to bookstores and duck into almost every one I find, including a Barnes & Noble.

and as a character said to Tom Cruise in the movie Risky Business, Sometimes Joel you have to say what the fuck. so Anna and I browsed the periodicals.

all this is a roundabout way of saying sometimes good things pop up in the least places. for example I bought the recent issue of 580 Split primarily because it contained two poems by Rodney Koeneke, a wild poet I've seen only online. and there are other sterling writers in here as well, like Sara Veglahn. such a find, and pleasantly surprised to find the journal on the racks at the BN.


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