2 poetry blogs and a googled poet
much of my reading is online via blogs, zines and journals. fell in love with the medium when my mother-in-law got a computer in '98, and from there i discovered jacket. it was finding gold. and i've been a convert ever since. sounds like i took my time since the net has been around for years before that. i did. i preferred pulling books off shelves. i still do. it is hard for me to go thru the house, almost every room has at least 1 bookshelf, without pulling down a book and reading a page, a poem. drives anna nuts.
which is a long way of saying that 2 poetry blogs i've been reading lately is a sure sign of the health of poetry, and the electric medium most, if not all, of us writers now use. both poets are younger, and by that i mean in they're 20something poets. not that i give a shit about age, or even generations so much. both have much to teach me.
the 1st is by ryan laks who i've written about earlier. his blog is password protected. laks' email is in the dialogue box, so email him, get the password and read the work.
the 2nd i found a few weeks ago when i was clicking thru past issues of shampoo and googled the poet's name. derrick tyson's blog hasn't been updated since july, but here's to hoping he continues to post his poems.
finally, a poet who's been on my mind for some time now, another tyson, john tyson of milwaukee, i think. again, i found a poem of his when clicking thru back issues of shampoo and fell in love with the look and sound of his text. his name sounded familiar and it wasn't till i googled it, which was an adventure because his name, like mine, is very common, that i rediscovered his poem published a couple of years ago in big bridge. that poem had me at the 1st line, and i was hooked. it was the rough language, the form of the work, how it looks on the page, how the lines crackle in the ear. here was my type of poetry. thru google i find more of his work here, here and here. he also publishes his own zine accurate key, stories here and here. nothing more i can say except that i'd like to read more and more, and hope that tyson starts a blog.