Monday, June 04, 2007

derek motion is writing what he calls splatter poems over here. a poem a day for the month of june. i've never been able to write a poem a day, but i like derek's conception of these splatterings: daily lines, unedited, about whatever.

so below are my contributions to the form. i kinda liken these to the alt.lyrics of schuyler and berrigan. i'll try to keep up with derek with a poem a day. i've renamed my texts 'splats' since my jokey 'splatta matta' that i began with started to send too precious for my ears. what is more important is the processes of writing [that also conveys the processes of reading and living too] rather than the materials of subject. however, my writing never does become abstract - as much as i admire the poems of say hejinian - therefore, whatever they turn to mean hopefully they'll also be.


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