Saturday, August 18, 2007


i don't know about you, but for me everything is ripe for the taking in poetry. in other words, i love film, but don't want to make a movie, i love painting but have no interest in doing one, i love vispo but i wouldn't wish my drafting talents on my worst enemy.

rather, i look at each thing, including things of experience, as potential for writing, whether that means incorporating the techniques of cinema, painting or vispo in my poetry, or take their examples as measures of discipline.

another way to state the obvious is that i think of poetry constantly. anything is subject for writing. so are the techniques of different disciplines. so are the experiences of daily living in all of it's forms.

poetry, as i've said before, is not a career. if it is then perhaps i need to update my resume. but who would i submit it to, the gods on olympus? i'd rather stay on earth sifting thru the trash of living. it should come as no surprise that i love trash, and find trashiness beautiful. now how to find a way to live in it, so to speak. this i think might be obvious: poetry in life/life in poetry.

there you is.


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