Monday, October 27, 2008

keep it simple: can i have yr inglish?

okay then, anna is at work and nicholas is at daycare and i am waiting for their return watching stephen king's the stand on the sci-fi channel and reading this wonderful e-book by the german poet stefan hyner this time-bound toy again. hyner writes in inglish with texts of simplicity and wonder. some what. which relates to my own reading lately and writing practices.

a bit at least. because reading an essay by the british poet hugo williams - a writer i've read very little of - where he wants a poetry of simplicity rather than the drunken wordiness of say, um, rimbaud. a poetry of tea, williams opines, rather than a poetry of wine. such an opinion of writing is partly because of age. one tends to get mellower as one grows older.

but i don't know about that. i love how hyner complicates his simplicity with unusual spellings and purposefully bad grammar. certainly hyner's texts is not a of the tea-drinking variety. but to use the shorthand of the texting-generation, wtf, indeed. i want a poetics of the slightly buzzed. it's been years since i had a hangover. i stopped drinking to heavy excess when i was 27 and knew that a 2-day hangover was too dear a price to pay. but i've not given up drinking at all. and i love reading poems when i have a slight buzz.

i don't believe in the ecstatic seer high on chemicals. nor do i believe in hard sobriety either. moderation, but only in small doses please. for i am developing the poetics of the slightly buzzed. have a beer on me.


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