Thursday, September 26, 2013

everyday is halloween

turistas [2006] 

how the hell could i have missed this one in 2006?!  a group of vacationers in brazil find a load of trouble while camping out on a very cool beach.  what happens next is just too goofy to describe.  less scary and more silly.  not that the filmmakers do not do their best to make the horrors authentic.  after all, this is a pic firmly in the mode of what was called in the last decade 'torture porn.'  there is a bit of a twist in the plot that makes this flick less gratuitous than most in that bloody genre of ill repute and there is an underwater cave cat and mouse game that is fairly well photographed, edited and acted but is --i repeat -- a rather silly function in the plot.

the actors are all game and are extraordinarily beautiful, josh duhamel, melissa george and olivia wilde, who do a credible job of three hapless souls caught in some very weird machinations.  i couldn't not watch this flick because these three are in it.  call me lame. 



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