Tuesday, March 12, 2019


finally, at long last, John Bloomberg-Rissman, T.C. Marshall & i have unleashed on the world our double anthology, The End of the World Project.

published by moria books our project is filled with great texts & art by our brothers & sisters in this life & art that take on the question, how do you create art in our present dire age?

follow these links at moria books to download the free pdfs here & here.  or if you prefer old skool paper books you can buy copies therethere.

my many many many thanks to my brothers & sisters who have contributed so many amazing, astonishing pieces & texts.  my gratitude to my friends John & T.C.,  & nine bows to the publisher of moria books, william allegrezza, with great fortitude & patience allowed for us to embark on this wild adventure in art.

& most of all, thank you, everybody, for the support that art needs to stay alive & flourish.

read it, review it, discuss it, & Spread the Word.  there is a new anthology in town.




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