Wednesday, July 10, 2019

speed walking

after a long day at work
& navigating the rush hour traffic
feeling every crack & crevice in the sidewalk
my feet barking like dogs
my mind end-of-the-day mush
everything sounds like static
to fight against
& there
a mother walking
hand-in-hand with her daughter
the girl must be about 2 years old
she points at every little thing
with only the glee a small child could possess
how the hell shall i get around them
as they take up the width
of the sidewalk
i clear my throat
make myself known
& find an opening between the girl
& the lawn
i am growing old
my knee is giving out
my energy is kaput
i look down at the girl as i pass
& she looks up at me
with the brightest, widest, smile
in praise of every thing living


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