Sunday, December 01, 2019

death of heaven & hell

nick clued me to this wonderful video of the possible death of our universe.  the timescales presented here are beyond human imagining.  as the science grows more clear & confident many of these speculations will remain just that: speculations.  as we study, observe, test our hypotheses & learn the universe we will come to a greater understanding of our place in it.  but it is nearly certain that even our universe will die.  eternity becomes meaningless.  time will stop.  & matter will fade away into the void of nothingness.  & yet, this video, & others like it, are reminders that our universe is still so young.  our place in it is utterly unique.  that we are alive right now with our sentience to comprehend these vast vast scales of time, matter & distance are miracles of awe & wonder.  for even beyond our imagination our thin ideas of heaven & hell are tiny in the vastness of our cosmos.  but for these few moments we are granted we can expand our awe, knowledge & wonder of our lives in this beautiful place we find ourselves in: the universe, the earth, the you.


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