Friday, March 27, 2020

there was an eerie calm inside Safeway.  i thought the store would be crowded by preppers for armageddon.  instead i was met with a handful of people each person going out of their way to keep their distance.  e.g. i turned into the frozen foods.  i surprised the woman who was deep into choosing a frozen pizza.  she jumped when she saw me.  so i made a wide berth around her.  it had only been a few days since my last shopping trip.  then the shelves were bare or close to no stock & the aisles were stuffed with shoppers.  now the shelves were fairly well stocked but if you wanted eggs or paper towels or, yep you guessed it, toilet paper you were shit out of luck.  i read that the grocery supply lines were the most robust in our economy.  to wit, as i parked my car a Safeway supply truck was backing in to the loading bay.  so why all the panic buying?  unless everyone is in on some secret that i am not privy to.  one that says we are close to running out of things.  be that is it may, there was plenty of beer, coffee, bread & even bananas available for my cart.  & yet the PA repeated instructions to keep at least 2 meters or 6 feet apart & other safety measures rather than the pop music it usually broadcast.  & the check out stands were marked with tape to signal people where to stand in line to keep that desired 2 meters distance.  at the point of sale plastic barricades were installed to protect the clerk from coughs & sneezes.  not only are health care workers heroic in their jobs so are grocery store clerks.  they report to work keeping us supplied in the necessities of living as the virus rages in & among us.  it might be economic necessity that keeps these wonderful people reporting to their jobs at much needed grocery stores but their work is heroic & brave just the same.  can the world change in an instant?  you better fucking believe it.  but change into what.  hamlet would need to ask that question.   


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