Saturday, June 13, 2020

mask up!!

this goose was surprised to find that at a very crowded beach on lake natoma, his home, on this very sunny pleasant early summer saturday, hardly a person was wearing a mask or practicing social distancing.

'don't these people know there's a pandemic raging!' shouted mr. goose.  'geez!  christalmighty!  we can avoid a very deadly second wave if you wear a fucking mask and stay at least 2 meters apart.  hell, we aren't even done with the first wave!'

mr. goose than asked for a couple of ruffles potato chips & a sip of diet pepsi before asking a stoner sitting down beach if he could get a hit off that roach.

'man, that is good,' mr. goose said.  than flicked his tail feathers at all & sundry before flying away in disgust.


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