Wednesday, October 28, 2020

everyday is halloween

hallefuckinglujah!  i saw this ditty on its initial broadcast back in the ancient days of 1976.  i remember the band KISS & how scary & rocking they were.  for those of us of a certain age will recognize many of paul lynde's guests.  hell, we might even remember who paul lynde is!  i kid!  i kid!  of course, spacetime is relative to each conscious viewer but the 20th C is quickly receding from our collective memory banks.  i wrote, & posted here, a very short poem about coworkers not knowing who the great pop band the go go's were.  what i think of as recent history is for someone younger the distant, or unremembered, past.  & yet, the internet can't let shit go.  hence, we can disinter this old halloween special hosted by comedian/actor paul lynde broadcast when TV had only three or four channels.  if you wanted to watch something you better be around for its broadcast.  otherwise, TOUGH!  you missed it, sometimes, it would seem, forever.  fair enough, that this particular halloween special is a tough slog to get thru the whole hour.  TV has changed irrevocably in our young century.  & yet, but for, still, those of you with halloween in your heart might get a kick out of this show.  as much as we have changed this show proves we have also stayed the same human being.  oh for fucking sake, bring it on!



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