it is fucking difficult to get the news...
as WCW said 'it is difficult to get the news from poems/but men die everyday/from lack of what is found there.' [i quoted that from memory so sue me (but don't sue me!) if i got the lineation wrong.
but lo! our world is in a topsy turvy place. as crazy now perhaps as it was in WCW's days. & his days were nuts, even murderous. so i must confess that i pay way less attention to the news in print or broadcast media. not that i don't want to know what is going on in the world. only but for the creation of a small space for my sanity.
cuz the news wants to get clicks. it needs your eyes & ears. the best way is to engage your emotional responses. the easiest emotions to exploit are fear & anger. study exploitation movies for proof. so i am reading poems, nonfiction, watching movies, & watching youtubers that give me pleasure & comfort.
that's not a retreat from the world. rather, i am better placed to absorb the states of our world & how they are presented to us via media when i don't watch the damn news all the time. one can't live in a constant state of alert. i need downtime. dream time. play time. ludic not lunacy, dammit.
even as i am suffering from my first cold since the start of the pandemic. it is just a cold. but i got the coughs, sniffles & overall mien of daffy duck running from the little man from the draft board. i am dying! no not really but really. i am dying. & so are you. but if we are lucky we are not dying anytime soon.
so to beat this fucking horse to death & allow me to be a bit didactic we should all practice humility. after all, it was announced a couple days ago that we have officially hit 8 billion people on this planet. our population quadrupled since i was born. put that in your pipe & smoke it. think you are important? sure, but so are 8 billion other human beings. a little fucking humility!
but goddam it! ready my poems, my rants & watch some damn fine really bad movies. why? cuz we are all dying! & the news is not always that which is found in the media.
i call forth a catullan poetics that is lusty, bawdy, profane & tells power to go fuck itself.
fuckin' a!
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