Wednesday, February 01, 2023

fundraiser for the poet douglas 'dug' rothschild

late last nite a poet friend sent me an email informing me that one of my favorite poets, douglas rothschild, suffered a life-threatening medical emergency that required open heart surgery.  dug will need months of physical therapy on the long road to recovery.  

fucking broke my heart.  douglas & i have shared emails since i invited him to contribute poems to our end of the world double anthology.  he lives in albany.  i live here in sac.  we've never met but like i've said time in memorial i think all poets are brothers & sisters in this floating world.

i can't remember when i started reading duglas.  but i do remember when i learned that a friend was trying to put funds together to publish rothschild's first book i contacted this friend who was happy to email me a pdf of this book.  i was thrilled.  what a kind thing to do for another poet who was a stranger to him.  anyway, do yourself a favor & if you haven't already, for this book was published in '09, hie thee to this link & get thee a copy of Theogony [subpress; 2009].  you'll make hesiod proud.

we here in the u.s. live in a fucked up state re healthcare.  it's fucking expensive.  people go bankrupt because of medical bills.  even if you have insurance oft-times your insurance provider will fight tooth & nail with you about paying out claims.  luckily douglas' friends organized a gofundme to help with what surely will be massive medical debts as well to help pay for the costs of living expenses.

go here for douglas rothschild's gofundme page Fundraiser for Douglas Rothschild by Linda Trimbath : Support for Douglas Rothschild’s Medical Recovery (

i wish the poet a speedy journey on the road back to health.  douglas' poems have given me so much pleasure thru these years.  his methods of composition.  his conversational style of writing, his playful forms, his idiosyncratic ways that he sometimes even spells his name inspire me.  

dig dug reading his 'raw poetic material' in 2012 by clicking here  

godspeed douglas rothschild


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