walk in a 'dirty old town'
shane macgowan [1957 - 2023]
these are the ordinary things we love
i.e. gazing into the face of our beloveds
folding our clothes after taking them out of the dryer
the sound of an owl in the oak in the backyard
the opossum on the porch looking for kibble
& that laughter tempered by a tune
one we know by heart & heard a thousand times before
older than we care to admit
& yet as new as a calf mewling for milk
we know you poeta after the concert is over
& we walk to our cars for the drive home
stepping over puddles & guided by discarded gum wrappers
this town is made ours once again
dirty yes dirty as your music echoes in our ears
& we can hear that laugh as raw & honest
as cigarette smoke breathed deeply into the lungs
heh heh heh heh heh heh heh
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