Thursday, July 04, 2024

however you celebrated, or not, the fourth of july make it fucking count!

here is allen ginsberg reading his poem 'america' & i love the howls of laughter from the audience.  everyone is digging in & digging it.  yes, this is a poem of anger, but it is also a work of love, & humor.  so in these current difficult days it is very important to practice, in the phrase of another poet, nick lowe,
'peace, love & understanding.'  at the bare minimum.  & also, in the words of abraham lincoln's speech that concludes bill & ted's oral history report in bill & ted's excellent adventure [1989], as fireworks explode all around me on this day of america's birthday, hear our war cry, 'PARTY ON, DUDES!' 


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Jean Vengua said...

Just what I needed right now...!

At 10:21 PM, Blogger richard lopez said...

hi Jean! lovely to hear from you!

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Jean Vengua said...

Nice to see your blog and hear Ginsburg. I feel like a refugee from the world of capitalist websites (just closed down my art website).

At 11:13 PM, Blogger richard lopez said...

well, i am glad you're here! hit me up with an email okay! por favor!


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