Friday, February 07, 2025

why i am not a videogame designer

i text my friend tom
& ask him how his work is going

he tells me that it is hard going
that he can't get the details right

he texts me a screenshot of a scene in the game
which looks like a photograph of a sexy woman 

with a sword in one hand & a grenade in the other
see, tom says, what can i do with that!

but see, i work in words, i think in language
when i walk the streets of my city 

the streets are paved with poems
tom, i say, it looks perfect to me

unlike my poems which are always 
under threat of incoherence

& i would indeed if it weren't for my cats
who force me to go to work everyday 

to keep them in kibble 
besides what can one poet do 

when everything seems to
be made out of pixels


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