Wednesday, April 25, 2007

about 3 weeks ago poet jon cone wrote me about a new anthology he's in. described the publisher being based in san francisco and wondered if i'd be interested in a copy. of course, cuz whatever pub jon is in, i'm all for it, jon is 1 of those magic poets for me.

so then the publisher, sf poet klipschutz [whom i know only from his frequent appearances in thorn's zine fuck! and the outlaw bible of american poetry], sends me the book. a real beauty, hand-made 4 poet anthology:

All Roads. . .But This One [luddite kingdom press]

with poems by jon cone, klipschutz, claudia grinnell and albert sgambatti. the book is a real labor of love. it is probably 1 of the most gorgeous small-press pubs i've ever held. i cannot emphasize that enough.

i'll i can do is support diy publishing and spread the word. buy it here. read sample poems here.


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