Sunday, June 08, 2008

splatter 8

to begin at a time when the sun shot thru the curtains like laser light show at the sf planetarium if i might be so bold it was so filled with hope
the end is but a beginning or so i'm told or explained another way the beginning is a means to the end
some ascertain certainty is lost and luck is what matters while others still suggest it is measured by fate
i don't know but for this
when and where it will end i can hardly fathom


At 11:31 PM, Blogger cd__ said...

'....when and where/
it will end/
i can hardly fathom'

coeur de lion

the end end .... Yes, Sir Ricardo ... brim's back and yer hot dude... ...

speaking less of figures and more of temperature, we got [a]scorcher here today... and
ever notice how some of the word verification things make for tiny verses?


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