Thursday, September 18, 2014

everyday is halloween

for the last two weeks we've been going to lake natomas for a little late summer kayaking.  on the way to and from the lake we pass a locally famous -- famous if you are say between the ages of 35 to 50 -- ancient 1980s all-ages dance club called, yep, the mine shaft.  the mine shaft has been closed for many many many years.  it survived for a while as a miniature golf course.  and then it was for a moment an RV dealership.  now it is a large lot with a huge vacant three story building.  a grounds and building perfect for the temporary home of a halloween haunted house.

each time we pass the mine shaft i try to catch as much as i can of the ongoing construction of the haunted house.  it is the same outfit, heartstoppers, a western-themed scare joint that my father and i visited last year.  and yep, i plan on making another trip to the haunted house.  or two.  with some friends and maybe i can get my old man to go with me again.

haunted houses, pumpkins at the grocery store, jack o'lanterns, halloween candy, and a few scary movies, this is -- you guessed it -- my favorite time of year.  halloween is as much in the heart as its imagery and manifestations are in your face during the month of october.

this is the time of year casa de bronson/lopez turns -- not into a haunted house -- into an expression of autumn.  starting now, in addition to poems, essays and rants, really bad movies will post the odd horror movie review, memories and ruminations of halloween past and present, videos of haunted attractions, and sundries related to the high holiday scary season.

might your scares be true.



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