Friday, May 05, 2017

i wish i can find the meme but the cutest one i've every seen was a photo of an adorable kitten wearing a sombrero facing the camera the captioned read, it's friday! i have the sombrero, now i have to find the tequila

it's cinco de mayo!  a day when everyone is mexican!  well, maybe that's a stretch but california, nay u.s., culture is so entwined with mexico that we have a hybrid mexican/u.s. culture in california that nearly everyone know a little spanglish

that's not a stretch or exaggeration you can take that to the bank

so the weather turned a bit cooler with a fairly strong wind, but softer, easier to be outside, a quite lovely day that turned in to a gorgeous evening

because of the holiday the streets of downtown and midtown were packed the mexican restaurants of which we have in abundance [indeed, i confess i'd have a hard time living in a place that had no mexican food, for that is my most favorite cuisine, and no, it ain't because i am a lopez, it's because mexican food is that fucking delicious!] had bouncers because of the crowds, mariachi bands and flowing tequila

sometimes one has only to open her eyes to see the confusing, irrational beauty of the world



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