Friday, December 06, 2019

post rilke

get outta bed you stub your toe

late for work again

& your outta coffee

traffic is bad it is always bad

indifference & lassitude are on the menu today

the cat scratches you he seemed to be aiming for the jugular

can't decide what to make for dinner you hate to cook

same ol' shit same ol' face in the mirror

blase & ennui

ho-hum & tedium

& what the fuck do you gotta look forward to

that you've forgotten you've let your guard down

you don't see the way the sun splinters the clouds

or your favorite song you know the one you were just thinking about

is now playing on the radio

as you drive home from work

fighting the rush hour

you forget it is out there waiting for you

hidden for now

but at just the right moment

when you least expect it

beauty leaps out at you

grabs you by the throat

& punches you in the mouth


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