Saturday, April 11, 2020

the drive-in movie of my heart
for alex g, john b-r & jonathan hayes

a week or so in the lockdown anna texted me a link
to a story about drive-in theaters finding their second wind
in the pandemic / it follows that we need to isolate ourselves
from each other but we can't help but be social creatures
furthermore we are storytelling animals & we love nothing
more than watching a really bad movie / where can you find
all these conditions ripe for a distant social movie going experience
but at a drive-in theater if one is still open in your area

that was about a month ago when the occasions of lockdown
felt unreal & that somehow we would snap back to the comforts
of what-we-know but many things have changed / more businesses
have closed & we have adapted so well & so quickly to this new normal
that the relative safety of movie going seems like a distant luxury
& still i feel the sting of that which pierces the drive-in movie of my heart


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