Sunday, December 05, 2021


exhausted all day but w/ nervous energy an unpleasant detail that nontheless tells me that i am still buzzing on this mortal coil

yet can't focus enuf to read well & w/ pleasure rather my attentions focused on watching a local play w/ nick live on youtube 

then watched a reading also on youtube by the bay area poet dan bellm 

& back to youtube to watch several short scifi films from a channel called dust

tried to take a nap but was too tired to sleep

working on a project w/ jonathan hayes [much more on that later]

wrote a few emails got a couple of excellent emails in return w/ pdfs of their poems attached

i really dig the poet/artist truong tran [hayes introduced me to tran's work]

have been dipping into tran's 2008 collection four letter words [apogee press] 

                               --how's this for a concept the

                                  poem as porn the porn is true

tran's lower-case unpunctuated lines & blocks of prose display a rigor of form & a sweetness of life w/ a lot of love for our troubled species

just the kind of music i need as i bump around confusedly in our fractious time

i used to consider the poet to be a holy fool now i just think of the poet who is still a fool knows no better than every other person yet knows s/he is still right as well as ridiculous 

of course the poet realizes that any sort of definition of the poet changes by circumstance person mood economic class etc etc the only thing that the poet can be certain of is a love for poetry

along with having in the phrase of frost a lover's quarrel with the world

odi et ami 


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