Saturday, January 29, 2022

TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K)

have your mind blown.  this is an extraordinary piece of science & speculation based upon the evidence we have now.  an outstanding piece of art.  & graced with timescales that our human mind cannot fully comprehend.  we can chart & know the equations, but we cannot hold these scales within our mind the way we can when someone asks us the weight of a gallon of milk.  or when you behold the grandeur & immensity of the Grand Canyon.  you can see it, but its sheer scale is almost beyond human comprehension.  we are humble before it, in awe of, in humility, the canyon's size & strangeness.  we've evolved on this planet with its seasons & modest timescales that we measure with the decades of our own lives.  we don't know deep time.  we can't intuit deep time or hold a model of it in our heads.  we didn't evolve to know scales of time beyond our few decades of life.  there are so many things i find humbling.  the beauty & terror of being a finite sentient being at this moment of time.  


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