Monday, June 20, 2022

jim carroll talks about frank o'hara & patti smith [for jonathan hayes]


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

double thank-you

that was warm and wonderful

could listen to him for hours

the Cruz


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Jim McCrary said...

Kinda the same old from lots of NYC know..Allen Anthlogy, Ginsberg, Ohara, Smith etc. Like Ed Sanders in that shot, he did go a little bit further left then others....not to defame was easy to live in NYC and not know any of proto punks or whatnot..but to have a beer with Paul Blackburn or sit with Sam Abrams and Diane Di Prima or David Henderdson. Never sat foot in Max's KC or Factory or Studland54 and thats okay.

At 12:09 AM, Blogger richard lopez said...

haze, i can listen to carroll for hours too. his tremulous voice, his NYC accent!

jim, i'd have killed to have had the opportunity to have a beer with blackburn! so many good poets from NYC but again, carroll has a bit of NorCal history too when he lived in Bolinas to kick the horse habit. i believe he knew & hanged with kyger et al.
a poet that i'm currently fascinated by from the SF Renaissance is richard duerden who was best pals with larry kearney, philip whalen et al. so much cross-pollination between the two coasts that one could effectively argue for a global usamerican school of poetics.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Jim McCrary said...

still cannot deny that NYC had received a lot more credit because of location. rest of country, including Nocal, seen as not as important.


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