Sunday, May 07, 2023

a handful of antihaikus

fat grey clouds on the horizon
rain?  AGAIN?

* * *

early spring hunter
leo the pretty fierce 
asleep on the porch

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california traveling
traffic traffic

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oh man! what a pretty day

* * *

listening to EDM 
live at coachella on youtube
i am there i am here i am no where

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lesson from the painter julian schnabel

asked the antipoet 
how long does it take you to write
answer: take yr age + add 5 minutes

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Santa Rosa, CA

veggie burgers & fries 
with the family

in the shade

at luther burbank gardens

* * *

go on as e. dickinson told us
tell all the truth
but tell it slant

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my mind is the movies
in words
on this screen

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sunday pleasures of late middle age

a couch nap & a bed nap

* * *

late at night

wiping the sleep 

from your eyes

in bed


the same line 

over & over again

* * *

Netflix at nite

fell asleep before the end


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