Thursday, February 27, 2025

gene hackman

a tour de force of comic acting by the great actor.  this flick, the birdcage [1996], is one of my very favorite comfort movies.  perfection.  like mom's meatloaf.  everyone in this picture is on their A game.  but here is gene hackman as the ultra-conservative senator keeley who nearly steals the show.  alongside, the great robin williams & the very gifted nathan lane & dianne wiest, that ain't an easy task. 

gene hackman was one of those rare actors, like robert duvall, helen mirren, michael caine, richard dreyfuss, spencer tracy, katherine hepburn, william powell, myrna loy, who elevates whatever movie they are in.  always a pleasure to behold.  
gene hackman, godspeed

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

me too


--anselm hollo

on the road


the bridge


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

for in these mad days i'd rather be a polyethnic slacker & citizen of the international republic of poetry


In the current socio-political climate, he said to himself, committing suicide is absurd and redundant. Better to become an undercover poet.

- Roberto Bolano

Sunday, February 23, 2025

the beat goes on!


[found this ticket in the pages of this book of 2nd wave ska bands that i purchased at the English Beat merch table at this very show in - gasp! - 2012!!!  no, wait, that was just a couple of years ago, right?!]

the big country

 a spring tuesday morning
i heard this song
from a passing car
an ordinary chevy sedan
on its morning commute
but the windows 
were down
the stereo cranked to 11
a scottish voice singing
the beat of bass & drums
& the screaming guitars
the horrors the rope
a voice
the exhortation thru all these years

Saturday, February 22, 2025

it came from the trailer park!!!

this flick, Go [1999], is a hi-octane trip into an altered chemical state.  there are plenty of movies that try to facsimile the condition of being high, but this pic is the only one that really gets the wild-ass notes of chemical alteration just right.  directed by doug liman & starring a potpourri of great talent, including the gifted sarah polley, this movie captured the zeitgeist of late 20th C youth culture with a heavy dose of EDM.  indeed, the soundtrack is by the electronica artist, BT.  & but so dig a document of the fairly recent past when our world made a little more sense.  well, at least to your author.  i fucking love this movie.  seen it a thousand times.  i urge you to seek it out.  because it fucking rocks!
PLUR [peace: love: unity: respect]!

long live live music!

tonight anna & i & b. & c. headed to roseville, ca to see in person one of our favorite bands from our youth, The English Beat.  the beat, led by dave wakeling, is a 2nd wave ska band from birmingham, england.  but today wakeling lives in SoCal & i believe earns his bread by continuous touring.  which can't be easy for the singer/songwriter just celebrated his 69th orbit around the sun.  still, wakeling sounds great & when you hear the opening chords to a song like 'Save it For Later' you can't help it; your moneymaker starts to shake, involuntary, to the beat.

the band is tight.  wakeling tells his stories with humor & he sings with brio.  he dresses the same as he did in the 1980s.  his guitars are still plastered with stickers that read RUDE BOY.  & they always put on one helluva show. tonight was no exception, even if the sounds system muddied the vocals.  & what do you do when you know the songs for so long & so intimately.  you sing along, you dance, you thank gawd you are alive to experience live music.  


[waiting for the band]

anna & i must've seen the beat close to half a dozen times since they reformed & went on the road in 1997.  last time i saw the band play was at an '80s nostalgia tour at a local indian casino about 3 years ago, along with Oingo Boingo [sans danny elfman], Wang Chung, Missing Persons et al.  the beat fucking rocked the house.  they always do.  

but even with a muddy PA system i had a blast.  i really, really do love live music.  i love the energy of the audience with the performers.  i love the ambience.  i even love the crowds even if some members of the audience piss me off.  i mean, if you paid x number of dollars to see a band play, & you want to see that band play, SHUT THE FUCK UP!  don't stand around & gab thru the band's set.  i'm there to see the band, listen to their music, & disappear into their sound.  someone talking loudly enough that i can hear them is TOO MUCH!  geez!  also, stop wandering around the venue.  in a smaller club, like the one tonight, we are packed pretty close together.  the closer you stand to the stage the more densely packed you get.  i want a good view of the band.  i want to see them play.  i want to hear the songs.  i want to dance & sing along with the music.  so for gawd's sake stop wandering the fuck around bumping into people.  if you have a better place to be than be at this show, GO THERE!  leave me in peace to see the band i love & i paid to see!


like i said the venue was small.  probably at capacity the club can accommodate 700 people.  ticket prices for tonight's show were quite reasonable.  anna did a quick back of the envelope calculation & figured the receipts were a little less than five grand.  there are probably other sources of revenue for the band, including selling t-shirts & such.  but it ain't easy being a working musician in today's market.  hence, probably, the constant touring.  how much longer can dave wakeling keep touring?  i dunno.  i hope for a long while still. 

i wrote a poem published in my first chapbook, THE GRAPEVINE, about attending a concert with anna at the Shoreline Amphitheater in mountain view, ca.  elvis costello was the featured artist.  the opener was the abysmal Crash Test Dummies, who had a minor, & very annoying, hit at the time.  the poem was about my inability to dance when anna was trying to get me to get my groove-thing going.  i confess, i still can't dance.  you remember that episode of the TV sitcom Seinfeld when elaine dances at a party?  she looked like an alien trying to imitate a human being.  well, that's me too.  when i try to dance i look like an alien is trying to act like a regular human person.  yes, i am that awkward & awful at dancing.  

& yet when the beat plays at the first intensity even i have a hard time resisting grooving.  i can feel my toes tapping, my hips swaying, my head nodding to the beat.  it is an ecstasy.  it is ABSOLUTE MUSIC.  i am now officially an old guy.  i'm nearing the town of GEEZERHOOD.  & still, 'for all my crimes in self-defense' music makes me really really fucking glad that i am alive, & that i have lived so i that can know the magic of live tunes.  

[the english beat]


oh, i just found out from c. tonight that the famous BEAT GIRL icon of The English Beat [you can see her in the above photo of the band] was inspired by a trans woman, brigitte bond.  you can find a little more about bond & the BEAT GIRL here 'The Beat Girl' Inspiration Was A Pioneering Trans Woman | News | Clash Magazine Music News, Reviews & Interviews

Friday, February 14, 2025

with sam cooke on st. valentine's day

light a cigarette & uncork the wine
let's see how cupid's aim is true

while i write love poems to my girl
& you sing on the chain gang

that burnished plaintive yearning
of the heart's sting 

the head of the pin 
& how many angels can dance on it

as we both stare into the middle distance
thinking too far is never far away

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

yin & yang


Saturday, February 08, 2025



Friday, February 07, 2025

why i am not a videogame designer

i text my friend tom
& ask him how his work is going

he tells me that it is hard going
that he can't get the details right

he texts me a screenshot of a scene in the game
which looks like a photograph of a sexy woman 

with a sword in one hand & a grenade in the other
see, tom says, what can i do with that!

but see, i work in words, i think in language
when i walk the streets of my city 

the streets are paved with poems
tom, i say, it looks perfect to me

unlike my poems which are always 
under threat of incoherence

& i would indeed if it weren't for my cats
who force me to go to work everyday 

to keep them in kibble 
besides what can one poet do 

when everything seems to
be made out of pixels

city at nite


Thursday, February 06, 2025

grow old:be punk:antipoetry


--nicanor parra

Sunday, February 02, 2025

this is philip fucking levine giving us the hard truths of life in central ca.