Saturday, February 22, 2025

it came from the trailer park!!!

this flick, Go [1999], is a hi-octane trip into an altered chemical state.  there are plenty of movies that try to facsimile the condition of being high, but this pic is the only one that really gets the wild-ass notes of chemical alteration just right.  directed by doug liman & starring a potpourri of great talent, including the gifted sarah polley, this movie captured the zeitgeist of late 20th C youth culture with a heavy dose of EDM.  indeed, the soundtrack is by the electronica artist, BT.  & but so dig a document of the fairly recent past when our world made a little more sense.  well, at least to your author.  i fucking love this movie.  seen it a thousand times.  i urge to seek it out.  because it fucking rocks!
PLUR [peace: love: unity: respect]!


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