Saturday, May 19, 2007

also, yesterday a batch of poems from jon cone was waiting for me in the mailbox. astonishing work. made me happy, no not happy, but joyous as i read them this morning. cone's poems are filled with a luminous generosity that makes me the reader remember that no matter how hard the road the journey is the greatest pleasure. here is an excerpt from 'Essai Sur La Poesia'.

The life of the poet is spent hailing taxis and waiting for trains. It is raining, cold. Light is always dying. The river moves sluggishly. The poet worries vaguely about his health. Should he make an appointment with his dentist? No one is around to talk to. He wonders about people who care for injured raptors, the hawks, falcons and owls. He feels a welling in his throat, a longing close to tears. From somewhere, a voice, "Hey shit-for-brains! Watch where you're going!"

* * *

Take today, for instance. I got up and made myself some coffee. I climbed the dunes, making my way to the beach. I watched a young family play in the surf. I took out of my bag a book of poems. In this way, my day was ruined.


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