below are two sorta classic drive-in intermission ads. i remember them both very well as they played at nearly all the drive-ins in sac during the 1970s even tho both date from the '50s. there were also locally made adverts that i'd love to see again. one was a live feature that had people dancing to go the snack bar where you can get pizza with 'mushy-roomy-room sauce'. now doesn't that whet yr whistle? that line became a signature phrase in my family. anna and i will repeat it to each other time and again and it never fails, at least for me, to lift my spirits. at any rate, anyone who went to the drive-ins fairly regularly in sac during that time will probably know that advert very well.
i post these because i'm a geek who loves still the drive-in experience. or because of my love of drive-in theaters i'm a geek. whatever. i think we all possess a few items from our past, our childhoods, that immediately lower our blood pressure when we see, read or hear them. and that's it for me regarding these shorts. i simply love them. they are the detritus of a vanished era.
"one was a live feature that had people dancing to go the snack bar where you can get pizza with 'mushy-roomy-room sauce'."
I came across your blog precisely because I am trying to find that clip. Hello, former neighbor in space and time and all the best to you.
James S Todhunter (facebook) has about 30 drive-in intermission vids. Checked em all. No pizza chef blowing a trumpet for pizza with mushy roomy room sauce. Find what I found at let me know at facebook if you find the chef-pizza-trumpet. Thanks : )
I too remember the ad for pizza with "mushy roomy rooms" (I think it had a couple visiting Rome, and a pizza chef asks if they want mushy roomy rooms). I grew up in Santa Cruz, which is where I saw that ad.
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