Wednesday, August 18, 2010

notes from the jet-lagged

we just returned from a holiday in sweden

got in last night after nearly 24 hrs of travel

and as you would imagine we - at least i am - are jet-lagged as all get out

sorry for not posting the past couple of weeks but we were staying mostly on an island in the archipelago without internet access or even tv

it was really marvelous to be outside the u.s. news cycle

we've had only a few hrs of sleep and still on swedish time which for us is now pretty damn late at night

gots to run a few errands before we poop out

many pics and stories to come

peace out y'all


At 5:29 PM, Blogger Jim K. said...

cool..welcome home.
Excellent place for a summer
vacation. Getting away from
media and net a while is useful.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger richard lopez said...

it was, jim, and am still in the habit of not reading the papers or looking at newssites. i think i'll be back into the news big time when i return to work on monday.


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