love this performance
lush was a wonderful band. i missed them the first time round back in the early 90s. i rediscovered them when i fished out a cassette of their first full-length lp, gala, several years ago from anna's stash. it's worth remarking that anna has influenced my musical tastes more than i have her's. maybe she got into social distortion because of me, but i think that might be it. i don't know but some of the benefits of a long relationship are how ideas, thoughts and emotions blend together so one forgets where this and that arrive. at any rate, i love these textured guitars and the sweet harmonies. the lyrics are romantic longing and sound, to my ears, all grown-up. plus emma anderson's guitar work is a joy to behold. nothing fancy but she hits all the right notes.
ooooo! I remember.
Glassy, glassy guitar,
with stereo noodling at
the mixing board.
Sort of a lost new-wave
anthem flow in the voices.
Love the easy-slack glow
and the harmonies.
That is a premium live mix.
The Cars Live-Aid stuff is
remarkably clean, too.
Alright, I'll check out the
99-cent lists at amazon.
I'm funky and old-fashioned.
I pay. I mean, this is a great
age for cherry-picking, so it's
worth it. Pay the artist.
tres cool, jim. couldn't have said it better myself.
And thanks for this trip down memory lane. Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I can also be willfully lazy. Ryan
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