thanksgiving might be the most understated and least commercial of our holidays. the day after thanksgiving, black friday, is the most commercial. and now some retailers are attempting to make the day of thanksgiving a pre-black friday. but no matter as the fourth thursday in november is the day when we gather together with our friends and family to share a large meal and give thanks. so far that has not been co opted by commercial interests. it is by the sharing of food that binds our species. and our families. as i've gotten older i know that it is family and friends i cherish the most.
so i raise a bottle of red hoptober ale and toast you and your families. might we truly give thanks. for being alive and for having each other. on this day and every day. i know bad stuff is happening out there. there is always a fresh horror. but as issa said, 'the world of dew/is the world of dew/and yet. . .and yet.' happy thanksgiving.
Wishing you a Happyhallothanksmas! B
wishing you and your family the same, esse!
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