Tuesday, April 01, 2014

the cruelest month

another national poetry month?!  wasn't it april just a couple months ago?  i mean, the time, right, the time goes like a rocket on a trip to mars.  at any rate, i thought, well it is the cruelest month maybe i should write a poem a day and post it here.  then i remembered i usually write a poem a day and post it here.  not everyday but the series dailies have taken a life of its own.  i think i've been publishing those poems for at least two years now.  i practice and live in poetry everyday.  i don't need a month to celebrate poetry.  to use a phrase by the great ms. chatelaine, eileen tabios, i do my best to practice poetry as a way of life everyday, every month.  each month is the cruelest month.  dare i eat a peach?  does a bear shit in the woods?  you betcha.    


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