Friday, May 01, 2020

see this movie

this flick surprised the hell out of me it is so good.  i shit you not.  shot in 16 days on a budget less than your mortgage payments for 3 months the filmmaker writer & star of this pic done the miraculous: re-invent the zombie film that feels about right for our present pandemic moment.  now i know this flick was made way back when, about 8 years ago, but the world has changed for these two characters even if one refused to know it.  our world has changed because of covid-19 even if we have a few who refuse to know it too.  changed into what?  i freaking don't know.  i don't have a crystal ball.  yet, it is in the air.  these changes are afoot.  it ain't a zombie apocalypse like in this movie.  our society won't collapse.  and yet, i thought 9/11 was the moment when the world changed.  not to minimize that great horror but i think covid-19 might make even more profound changes to our civilization.  then again, maybe not so fast.  who knows.  but this pic is magnificent.  i watched it this afternoon & i didn't expect much.  it is a low budget horror film.  but man, it is better than good.  watch the trailer.  then seek out this movie.  you can find it on amazon prime.  you can thank me later.   


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